At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
Role-Play Log





Angel Investigations



Celtic Fairy Music, " Magic Forest"


Well into Spring, the Autumn Knight pays Angel a visit, and another alliance is formed.

4/4/2016 10:00 PM
Hyperion Hotel San Francisco

San Francisco - The Hyperion Hotel[]

The California-Spanish building known as the Hyperion Hotel was built in the 20s. Through the cast iron gates from the sidewalk is a small front courtyard with a rectangular fountain and a mythological figure holding a bowl from which water flows. Greenery frames the walls and a large set of glass double doors open into a high ceilinged lobby. Dark red carpet descends the four steps to the lobby floor and climb the two sets of stairways that lead to the second floor. The green marble floors are accented with wavy red inserts, as are the walls have a complimentary red border running their length. A set of doors identical to those of the entrance lead to a small enclosed garden.

Cream-colored pillars line two sides of the room, holding up the second-floor balconies that look out onto the lobby and creating arches. Underneath one of them is a large plate glass window that looks into the hotel office - now used as the office and nerve center of Angel Investigations. Nearby, there's a wraparound counter with dark wood paneling and a top the same color as the floor. Behind it are filing cabinets and a pair of desks pushed together. A navy blue circular couch harkening back to a 50s design sits near the back of the lobby. A large wooden, glass-doored cabinet pushed up against the wall holds a large assortment of weapons.

Outside, it's foggy and cool.

It's an evening, and the vampire is to be found at the desk. Sadly, the people who usually man the front desk are elsewhere, and Angel therefore has to do it himself. The lights had to be fully on too, so clients would know they were open for clients coming in. That didn't stop him from brooding, though, even if there was a little too much light for his taste.

A motorcycle approaches and rumbles to a stop outside. Soon after, booted footsteps approach and a man enters through the front door. When the man enters, dressed in a long red leather motorcycle coat, he casts a glance around, spots Angel, and then heads his way. "Good evening, sir," he offers greeting. "I take it you represent 'Angel Investigations'?"

When a motorcycle stops by, Angel at first thinks it's Faith again, but the motorcycle sounds different. Still, the guy walking in sounds like he could be a potential client, so Angel slips into business mode. Even if the broody vampire isn't the most social being ever, he does what he can. "Yes, this is Angel Investigations. What can we do for you?"

The man approaches the desk, offering a vaguely playful smile. "And you must be the man himself. Angel? It's been some time I've been hearing stories of you, and it's an honor to make your acquaintance." A beat, and he reaches into a breast pocket, withdrawing a card, and extends it toward the vampire. "I'm Rey Devoss, Knight of the Autumn Court of Faerie."

Angel quickly realizes this has switched from 'client' to 'embassy and possible alliance. "Knight of the Autumn Court? I know less about the Fae then I wish I did. I don't end to run into even the Unseelie much. What does the Autumn Knight do?" He takes the card, though.

"'Unseelie' is such an ugly word," Rey remarks, his tone rather jovial. "The Winter and Autumn Courts are many things, but I'm not sure we're as evil as all that." He offers a quiet chuckle, then lets the mood pass. More seriously, he says, "I've been sent to mind the shop, if you will, given the recent stirrings. All sorts of mystical upheavals, of late."

"I understand. And what's the proper word, then? It sounds like there's a court for every season...and the fae in each one must work differently. But there's all kinds of rules it'd take...a consdierable amount of research to be aware of." And if you don't know the rules, in any Court...that's very very bad. "Yeah, there's a lot going on."

Chuckling, Rey says, "There are indeed four courts, yes, one for each season. Winter does tend to be a bit more... rough and tumble, I suppose. But Summer can be just as vicious, given reason." He shrugs a bit, then rests his hands on the desktop. "The rules do take quite a bit of getting used to, I'll admit. But... that's beside the point. Ever since the great awakening in Beacon Hills, Winter has taken great interest. As they're our chief responsibility, Autumn has taken a hand in making certain that the courts... do not unduly interfere."

Angel considered for a minute, "I don't suppose you can give me a copy of all the rules? I can have them committed to memory quick enough, which would help a lot no matter which court I run into." Knowing the rules...and the cold iron broadsword (stationed attractively next to a silver one in the weapons cabinet) would be all he's got.

Angel gets back on the point. "In the direct moment, though, I need to know about Winter. What're they likely to do, and which of the supernatural inhabitants living there are they likely to do it to?" He can only hope they'll leave the humans alone.

"There are basics," Rey says with a shrug. "Never incur a debt, even by accepting a gift. Never eat fairy food. Always respect the sanctity of another's title and territory. Don't offer insult if you aren't prepared to face the consequences--Balance is everything. But there's no primer on this. It's all learned, or it isn't." He levels his gaze at Angel, considering, and then offers another smile.

"Winter isn't stirring up trouble, not yet. If they made a play, it would be for power--but they haven't, so far, and part of my job is seeing that nothing is done improperly. I already swore my Oaths to Scott McCall that I would protect Beacon Hills and do no harm to anyone there." There's the oddest flicker about his eyes as he says it, as though at a regretful memory, but he shakes it off.

"I offer you the same Oaths now, as a gesture of friendship. I will do nothing to threaten the safety of innocents. I will stand in defense of the Balance. I will protect the interests of those who cannot defend themselves, as best as I can. If any Oaths I have taken previously demand differently of me, I will make it known to you in advance."

That's simple enough. Angel is rarely given gifts anyway, and he can't eat food to begin with, respecting titles...well, he grew up long enough ago that humans still had titles, so if the Fae had the same general titles as humans do...wait, "Fae do hold by the same general titles humans do, right?" That'd help him keep the titles straight.

But the conversation quickly becomes more serious. "I accept your Oaths. And maybe we're not so different." There's no oaths binding Angel, of course, but he nonetheless helps the innocent almost every night.

Smirking, Rey concedes, "A queen is a queen, a lady a lady, a lord a lord... and so forth. The rest can get a bit hazy, but if someone is 'Lord Whomever' or 'Queen of the Suchlike Court,' you can be certain they've a title behind them. Fae generally aren't much for lying, especially the High Sidhe, but they're tremendous at misleading one while speaking the absolute, if limited, truth." Seeming pleased by Angel's acceptance of the Oaths, he gives a nod. "I suspect we have a fair few things in common... though I'm not trying to place myself in your league, sir, if I may say. I'm just the Autumn Knight. You... well, if you'll pardon my saying, in some circles you might as well be the bloody Boy Who Lived."

Boy Who Lived? Angel looks a little blank, not quite getting the reference. His constant battles don't leave him much time to read. Or watch movies. "I haven't lived in a long time." But it does sound like a title of someone Chosen, and..."And I was always second. There's a greater warrior then me out there." He gets a broody look, as he contemplates said greater warrior, with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"There's always a greater warrior," Rey says with a shrug. "Or so they'll say. I know you're a bit of a Slayer fangirl, and who can blame you? Except, of course, that you know what it is to be a 'monster,' whereas Slayers can have a bit of a reputation for... self-righteousness. Let's not pretend that all creatures of the night ought be slain, hm? And yes, you're a 'chosen one' all your own. From word on the street, you're either a rock star or the worst turncoat in history." He shrugs illustratively. "None of my affair. Your work speaks for itself--that is to say, your work when you're in your right mind, or soul, or whatever it is--and that's my only concern, speaking frankly."

Fangirl? He thought about it, the way some of the girls he's saved talked about him, and, "Well, it's a little deeper then that. But they are some of my best friends out there." On top of the one who's so much more then that. "And some of the Slayers have blood on their hands. And they walk a redemptive path along with me." Which brings another Slayer to mind, this one with darker hair, who walks his path beside him. Platonically.

And honestly, he felt like he probably should've been slain a few times. was nice to hear even the residents of the Fae realms thought well of his work. And he didn't mind the 'turncoat' title, because those he turned on...well. He clarified, "A soul is what gives a vampire of my variety a conscience, and a heart. Without it...well." Yeeeah. Time for more brooding on all the terrors he's trying to atone for.

Nodding, Rey says, "Well, whatever got you where you are, it did get you there, and that's score one for the forces of sanity and civilization, eh?" He leans against the desk, almost lounging, and gestures illustratively with one hand. "See, the fae? We like civilization. Unlike some creatures, we don't feed on humans. We need them, in our own way, and the world... well. It does happen to be a place we'd like to see stick around. Some of us even live here. Thus, we're generally against apocalypses, mass slaughters, and other things that mess up the day-to-day runnings of things." Nodding to Angel, he adds, "You help keep the wheels turning, and that's as commendable as anything else."

Angel halfsmiles, "It does help my friends include a very powerful witch who keeps orbs of Thessulah on standby just in case something goes wrong." It's something his other self never had, really. Friends. People that cared. Love. "Every type of being out there has its own rules and own way of being. Even among demons, there's a good percentage of them that doesn't deserve that title as humans understand the term. There's a lot of relatively peaceful nonhumans out there. I've met serveral of them." And saved a fair bit too. "Well, always good to stop the end of the world. Which still almost happens entirely too much."

"Agreed on all counts," Rey says, flashing a grin. "Especially the bit about peaceful nonhumans and avoiding the end of the world." He straightens up, tapping the counter twice, and says, "I don't mean to take up your whole night. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm living in Beacon Hills right now, though at any given time I can be here in a blink. If you need me, just call, and if I am not occupied by other business, I'll come straightaway."

Angel nods. "We'll call you. Do you want in on every sort of fight, or just the ones that involve your kin?" It sounded like the answer was 'everything.' But he wanted to be sure.

"Just let me know if I'm needed," Rey says. "I can't promise I'll come every time. I do have other duties, and my main focus is the Nemeton in Beacon Hills, but if you need me, I'll do what I can to be here." Pausing at the door, he winks, grinning, and says, "Working with the Angel. Won't this just be such fun?" And then he's out the door. Soon the rumble of his motorcycle fills the air, and the sound swiftly fades. So exits the Autumn Knight.
