At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
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Cursed Immortal Sorcerer


Alexander is a human cursed by the Fae with an immortal existence he never asked for. He does not know the source of the curse, but after two centuries of research he has a strong suspicion as to the root cause. With no way to end the curse for the time being, he goes through life because he has no choice. Over time he has amassed wealth which he uses to fuel his research. His occupation is that of trading in the occult, for selfish reasons as well as to make a living. Very few know of his unique magical talents, in no way innate but instead learned over time from mystical tomes. An immortal without purpose, a studious sorcerer and an expert in supernatural antiquities - the summary of his life.


Brooding, reclusive and somewhat antisocial, Alexander prefers to keep his interaction with others limited to what is absolutely necessary. He has few people he trusts, even amongst his network of contacts, and those are primarily the unique individuals he has chosen to employ for one reason or another. When around others, Alexander may initially appear aloof and distant. However, he takes his time before befriending someone as he knows that they will inevitably learn of his immortal nature. That also means that he will watch them age and eventually die, an idea he abhors and thus he attempts to avoid from getting too close to others. He feels more comfortable around the supernatural than the mundane, for the same reason. Approaching Alexander is best done with a business proposition as pleasantries come second to him. His moral center leans towards the "good" and he has an average sense of ethics.




Although he never attended a formal institution of learning at any point in his life, Alexander nonetheless has a vast amount of experience under his belt. One cannot research the occult without also learning about other subjects on the sidelines after all. In addition to basic knowledge of a broad spectrum, he can hold his own debating the topics of anthropology, archaeology, history (ancient, world and American), mythology and theology.



Having approached his studies with an unrivaled zeal, Alexander has developed the ability to focus where others would be distracted. Whether he is trying to study or reciting an incantation, it takes something significant to break his concentration. Furthermore, even when his concentration is momentarily broken he can quickly return to whatever previously occupied his attention should he so choose.



Alexander has perfect recollection of anything he has seen and/or experienced. Such memories can be brought up at a moment's notice without any difficulty whatsoever on his part. He can recite anything he has read verbatim and can give accurate and detailed descriptions of any of his personal experiences, including conversations with others.



Having spent two centuries' worth of life studying the occult in order to solve the puzzle of his immortality, Alexander is an expert on all things supernatural. He comes in contact with beings that are more than human on a regular basis through his trade who keep him apprised of the latest and greatest happenings in such circles.




This form of magic comes easily to Alexander who specializes in finding objects of a magical nature. He is also adept at reading auras and scrying for individuals on the same plane of existence he is currently in.



Illusions come in many shapes and sizes and Alexander uses them to his advantage. Their primary use for him is to mask, conceal and otherwise trick the eyes into believing that something is not present when, in fact, it is. He has been known to create an illusion of a different appearance for himself when it is useful.



Encompassing the use of magical force in all its forms, Alexander's studies of this magic provide him a range of offensive and defensive spells. From simple telekinesis to outright abstract force being hurled at an opponent, it his primary modus operandi for combat situations. He also employs it to create a variety of shields and barriers against anything attempting to do harm.



Although he possesses no telepathy or any power to influence others, Alexander has studied magic to protect him from such abilities. He is difficult to charm and his mind is particularly hard to pry into. Telepathic communication attempts with him must either be welcome or come from a powerful source.



Having studied the occult for as long as he has, Alexander has learned how to cast magic through means of incantations. Although not born with the ability innately, he can perform any spell requiring only a somatic or verbal component. He uses a focus (a ring) in order to help him channel the energy needed to cast. Depending on the level and scope of the spell he can perform charms, enchantments or evocations.



Due to the immortal curse, Alexander is resistant to all diseases, toxins, venoms and illnesses of any nature that would otherwise debilitate or hinder him. While he can be wounded, he regenerates small injuries almost immediately and more moderate injuries after an hour. Major injuries, including those that would be fatal, require anywhere from hours to a week of rest depending on the severity. He can also regrow extremities should they be lost.



Application of this magic is well within Alexander's realm of power. He is especially good at manipulating an item's energy and change it from one form into another as it suits him. He cannot change things of a tiny nature, such as printed or written text. Were he to attempt to change a book, for example, he would be limited to its exterior appearance.



Opening portals from one place to another allows Alexander to travel immediately to another location. Such portals are a rift between space and time as opposed to traveling between dimensions. He uses this magic very carefully, knowing the dangers of such things.



In the case of this type of magic, Alexander uses it sparingly as it requires that he invest a great deal of preparation and energy in order to magically seal a location against teleportation and trespassing.



One of the first occult artifacts Alexander added to his collection was a ring, the properties of which are not fully known. What he does know is that the ring acts as a perfect magical focus for his spells. Worn on his left hand, he uses said hand when gesturing for incantations. The ring appears as a silver band with an emerald set into it, but an expert examination will reveal the metal band is of an unknown element and the emerald is actually some kind of unclassified green gem. The ring gives off a faint magical aura.


Over time, Alexander has amassed an innuerable number of books on a variety of subjects. If he doesn't already know something, he most likely has a book on it. His library is currently hidden away in a country manor with no nearby residences and no easy access, except via portal. It is heavily warded against any entry other than what Alexander permits.


Having been in the occult trade for almost a century, Alexander has cultured a network of contacts in all matters supernatural. Whatever he needs he can usually obtain and anything currently unknown to him can be discovered so long as it is known to someone else in such circles.


Through the use of his ring as a focus, Alexander can maintain several persistent magical effects which he can activate and dismiss at will:

  • Divination: Detecting the presence of magical auras.
  • Kinetomancy: Surrounding himself with a simple barrier that hugs his skin.
  • Mentalism: Protecting his thoughts and mind from prying entities.


Two centuries of living and a profitable trade in the occult have allowed Alexander to amass funds beyond the normal means of an individual. He invested in all the right places and his fortune has grown over time. Not really caring about how much he has, he nevertheless finds it convenient when a particular item of interest crosses his path or he needs something supernatural done that costs a hefty sum.



Cursed with immortality he never desired, Alexander often finds himself inconvenienced by it. Unable to age, unable to die, he has spent two centuries living because he has no choice. Making the best of it, he studies the occult endlessly to find a means to break the curse and be at peace once and for all.


Though largely unknown to him (although suspected), Alexander's power stems from a fae curse. As a result, the same element that is a bane to fae - iron - affects him adversely. Wherever he is touched by iron causes a severe burn, one which will take significantly longer to heal than any other kind of injury. If surrounded by iron on all sides, he feels much weaker than he otherwise would. He has yet to experience what would happen as a result of prolonged exposure to iron and is not eager to find out.


The types of magic that Alexander casts are all learned, and required a great deal of study on his part. As they do not come naturally, he has chosen to focus on things he finds useful and thus his limitations on each magical effect are thus:

  • Divination: Cannot see the past or future.
  • Kinetomancy: At most one barrier at any time.
  • Illusionism: Only fool the eyes, not other senses.
  • Mentalism: Only mental defenses.
  • Transformation: Inanimate objects only.
  • Transportation: Only to places he has been before.
  • Warding: At most one ward at any time.


Unfortunately, Alexander is in many ways stuck in the past. His knowledge of new technology is quite limited, extending to the basic use of a cellphone for communication and the operation of simple devices. He prefers books to computers, letters to e-mails and the idea of texting is completely foreign to him.


There can come a downside to the ability to concentrate and focus too well. Alexander suffers from tunnel vision that can, at times, be a hindrance. So engrossed will he be in something that he is utterly oblivious to what goes on around him. Short of something specifically grabbing his attention or a significant disruption in whatever he is doing, whenever he focuses completely on a task he is hard to distract.


The man who now goes by the name Alexander Hawthorne was born in New England on October 27 in the year 1778. He was named Peter by his mother. It was a time of war, and yet his life was nothing exceptional nor extraordinary and in fact would probably be considered akin to walking a line between average and positively boring. He existed, as one could barely call it living, until the age of twenty-eight when suddenly things took a turn towards the unexpected. The war long since over, shortly after his birthday Alexander decided to treat himself to an adventure. He decided to go hiking and ventured far outside his comfort zone. After two days of hiking he decided it was time to head back, but came across a house (more a hut really) on his return path. Deciding to stop and see who lived out in the middle of nowhere, he hoped they would possibly share a meal with him (after two days his provisions had run out and he wasn't eager to experiment on berries and roots). A knock was not answered, a second seemed to go unnoticed, but the smoke coming out of the chimney (if one could call it that, it was more a hole in the roof) suggested someone was inside. Trying the handle he found it turned and he opened the door and peered inside. To this day, Alexander will never be certain of what or who was on the other side of that door. All he heard was a screeching sound followed by a sudden force that knocked him out of the hut and left him prone on the ground. The last thing he saw, before his vision became blurry and he slipped into unconsciousness, was a dark and huddled figure approaching and muttering something he couldn't make out. By the time he awoke, night had fallen. Shaking the dizziness out of his head, he decided it would be better if he went home straightaway without anymore stops. He felt strange the entire way home, a queasiness in his stomach that wouldn't go away. He decided it must be hunger. He attributed the bizarre fuzziness in his head to his unfortunate accident as well. When he got back to the village, he immediately noticed everyone looking at him strangely. A few of the looks were suspicious, people he had known his entire life quickly moving out of his way. Stunned, he made finally made it home in one piece.

The Change[]

No sooner had Alexander walked in than his mother screamed. It left him shocked as she began hurling obscenities at him, ordering him out of the house and referring to him as a stranger. Utterly confused, he quickly made an exit as she picked up a saucepan and looked ready to strike him. If one could call the looks he got before suspicious, they were downright hostile now. Still no one said a word to him. It was by chance that he looked down into a nearby trough of water where no horses were drinking from and that's when he noticed it. His face was one he did not recognize; he looked like a completely different person. Startled, he quickly ran out of the village and made his way back to where he had seen the hut. Whatever was going on it had to be connected to that hut. But the hut was gone, nowhere to be seen. In its place was a small circle of stones surrounding a pool of water. He looked into it, searching for answers - a stranger looked back at him. Hearing a noise behind him, he turned around swiftly. A woman was standing there holding a basket and looking at him strangely. Not exactly the way the villagers had, this was more of a curious look. He asked her what happened to the hut that was there not twelve hours ago. Her face twisted into an expression of dismay which quickly turned to sadness. She explained that there was never a hut in that spot, that it had always been just a circle of stones surrounding a pool. But, she added, rumors whispered by people said that the circle of stones was haunted. Shaking his head, Alexander left the woman standing there and wandered into a nearby forest. Lost, not thinking clearly, he wandered through the woods. He couldn't make sense of it, not at all. What was going on? He didn't hear the rustling behind him until it was too late. Suddenly, he felt a sharp and stabbing pain in his back. Whirling around he came face to face with a bear. The struggle was brutal, but what was he to do? He was nothing but a village boy ill-suited to tangle with a bear. And yet, as the creature mauled him he fought back as much as he could, eventually discouraging it (somehow) from rending him limb from limb and skulking off to find easier prey. His strength spent, he collapsed to the ground as he bled out and waited to die. But death never claimed him.


Thus was Alexander Hawthorne, a changed man, born - an immortal. With a face that was not his and no past left to him, he decided to set out and answer the one question he had left: what had done this to him? He knew, after only a bit of investigation, where the answer to his quandary lay - something dark that existed beyond mere mortal knowledge had caused this. As his life continued, his studies began to yield some results. Although he never came close to discovering his true goal, the answer to who or what had cursed him with immortality, he became an expert on matters of the occult as a result. A man with nothing but time on his hands, he studied endlessly, acquiring knowledge of all sorts. With knowledge comes power, and knowledge of the occult brings with it a similar form of power - magic. He found he was an adept student of such arts, although he kept to what was considered "good" or "white" magic as often as possible. Time tempered his mind, creating a solid wall of willpower difficult to break. Along with this knowledge came a steady stream of coin, his wealth also amassing as time went on. Two centuries passed and he found himself in a very different place from where he started. Having lived in most cities across the nation, he found himself venturing to the west coast deciding that he had enough of the east.

Dealing in the Occult[]

Years of studying the occult had granted Alexander had a new obsession. He was a collector of the bizarre and supernatural, trading in items that many would literally kill for. Having established an extensive network of contacts, it was no surprise that he came into possession of a few items of significant rarity. Of particular note was a creature he soon became very fond of. It was quite by coincidence that he learned of its existence, and it cost him a pretty penny to acquire it, but soon it was in his hands. The tiny little kitten was perhaps the most bizarre creature he had encountered thus far, namely for its one unique feature - it had two heads. Twice the food, twice the noise, his tiny little Bast was one of his most valuable treasures. He absolutely adored her, and did his best to protect her from the perils of both the natural and the supernatural world, keeping a close watch over her.

Modern day San Francisco is where Alexander calls home today, although he ventures along the entire coast for his trade. He still yearns to discover a means of undoing the curse upon him, for he never asked for the immortality thrust upon him. It was a lonely existance, and he avoided getting close to people in order to keep from rousing suspicion as to his static look. Not to mention the burden of caring for someone who will inevitably die while you live on. But time wears a person down, and so Alexander finds that nowadays he is more likely to socialize. More likely to seek the company of others. More likely to let himself become acquainted, if not necessarily attached, to those around him. After all, he isn't the only immortal around...
